Benefits of Subject Matter Experts in the Translation Industry

Book translation services are an area of growth around the world. This is because a large number of texts and websites need translation so that they may be shared around the world. The greatest part of technology is that more people have access to materials on a host of topics. This means that more books and other forms of literature can be translated and shared in a person’s native language.

Book translation services are becoming increasingly available online in various forms. There are totally online programs that do direct translation, which means word for word, or companies focused on full human translation, and even some that fall in between. It is important to know what type of service you are using when a book is translated. For texts on specific topics, like legal, religion, or medical, full human translation is needed. This is so the true message of what is written can be carried into the translation.

Subject Matter Experts

In any translation project, it is important that a translation remain consistent. Consistency in a translation helps the text to read well and make sense. For some projects, any professional Christian Translator will do, but for others, it is important to have an expert.

All translators are experts, in translation, but some translators are also considered experts in specific subject matters. This is highly important in some industries. Think of it as taking your car to a mechanic when it is not running right, not a human doctor or taking yourself to a medical doctor when you break a bone instead of a contractor for repair. This can be applied to book translation services as well. When translating specific types of material, when a certain message and feel needs to be translated as well, you want a subject level expert.

Technical Translations

Let’s break this down a bit further. Technical translation is about translating a document or book that is targeted for specific readers that have a knowledge on specific subjects or are learning the specifics of a subject.

When applying this to religious materials, a person translating part of the Bible would need a great understanding of specific terms and how verses are written, as well as meaning. Translating a Christian book requires the same type of knowledge, but must also make the material understandable to the reader in a new language, at the appropriate level of understanding.

When a specific area of translation is needed, then a subject matter expert is best so the message of the material is carried over and makes sense in the new language.


A great translation company, such as Christian Lingua, will have subject matter translators who are experts on Christian literature. There are benefits to such experts. These include:

  • A higher level of accuracy for each translation into the new language
  •  Faster turnaround time throughout the project because fewer questions about the material are required
  • Subject specific insight for information and even format in the new language as the translation of subject specific matter is translated
  • Invaluable knowledge relating to the area and culture in which the translation will be shared so projects can be customized and appropriated for that area
  • Can provide photos, taglines, and examples specific to the translated language
  • Aware of and knowledgeable in specific subject level jargon and terminology

When having materials translated, a professional, clear, and accurate translation is the goal. A subject matter expert, also known as an SME, can accomplish just this. If you have materials that are subject area specific, especially those around Christianity and God, then go to the experts at Christian Lingua. You will end up with a well translated text, audio, or video that can immediately be shared in the chosen markets.

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